miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012


according to the video and everything we have discussed in class, i can say that i suppor the phrase "Your actions speak louder than your words.",  a hundred percent, because i think as the video said communication skills involves more than just what we say, people understand better with non-verbal communication, the way you say something, the way you look at the people your talking to,  the way you express what you are saying, your tone of voice, etc., you can communicate with someone just with eye contact or just with gesters. 

a smile or a your body language can tell more of what you are saying than the words that come out of your mouth. when you are talking to someone you can tell if that persone is happy or sad just looking at the way they talk and how they say it, you can tell when someone is lying just looking at her/his face. 
for example, when you are at a party with your friends and you want to leave, but you don't want to be rude,so you just look at your friends and do that expresion with your eyer that only your friends understand, or when you are exited and happy for something, you cannot stop smiling and even tough you are not telling anyone you are happy people ask why are you so smiley, because just looking at your face and your body language they noticed it. 

so, in conclusion i personally think non-verbal language is the most important part in a conversation, meeting, conference or what ever involved with the speaking part, because a person without non-verbal communication will be boring and not interesting to talk to or to even listen to.

lunes, 16 de abril de 2012


Muslim religion is consider as a way to express islamics towns since old times. it was created by MAHOMA in the VII sentry and it's consider one of the third great monotheistic current family of Abrahamic religions. Everything decision that's made in this religion is based a book named CORAN revealed by the prophet Mohammed through the archangel Gabriel; they consider the bible and other religion books as revealed but changed and edited by humans. 

1.Overlook the faults of a Muslim.
2.When he cries, have mercy on him.
3. Do not make him feel despondent over his ambitions.
4.Have mercy on the young and respect the elderly.
5.Do not disgrace him.
6.Do not be jealous of him nor should you hate him.
7. Protect the honour of his wife and children.
8.Do not cause financial or physical harm to innocent people.
9. if you find someone in problem, in poverty, or sick, help him, feed him, treat his sickness.
10. An animal that is suitable for consumption should not be killed merely for amusement.
11.The animal that is to be slaughtered or killed on account of it being harmful should be slaughtered or killed quickly. Do not cause it any agitation. Do not take its life after having starved it.

The Conditions of Women in Arabia Before Islam:

int he past women were unimportant, they were treated as saves or property. 
Women were used for one purpose. women didn't have independence, they couldn't have any  property and were not allowed to inherit. In times of war, women were treated as part of the prize. their condition was unspeakable.
the birth of a daughter in a family was not an occasion for rejoicing, but was regarded with humiliation. The practice of killing female children was uncontrolled.


The rights of Muslim women were given by Allah, who is Compassionate, Merciful, all-Knowing and Most Wise. These rights, which were granted to women more than 1400 years ago, were given by THE CREATOR, because he is the one who knows what rights are best for women. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran:

"O You who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will, and you should not treat them with harshness, that you may take away part of the Mahr (bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at time of marriage) you have given them, unless they commit open illegal sexual intercourse. And live with them honorably. If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing and Allah brings
through it a great deal of good." (An-Nisa 4:19)


Muslim religion is consider as a way to express islamics towns since old times. it was created by MAHOMA in the VII sentry and it's consider one of  the third great monotheistic current family of Abrahamic religions  

viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012

Endangered Cultures and Languages

 We are living in a world full of ignorance, with a big lack of knowledge and in a certain way superficial.  Humans are more concerned about living their life day by day and looking forward at what the future brings, but is that everything that really matters? Where is all the history going? How did we get in this world? What happened to our past generations and the culture they had? how did they survived?., those are a few questions that come to my mind. As Phil borges said, “Every two weeks, an elder goes to the grave carrying the last spoken word of that culture. An entire philosophy, a body of knowledge about the natural world that had been empirically gleaned over centuries, goes away.”, WE are letting the world swallow all the possibilities we have to learn about past cultures and become a richer society in knowledge, and how are we doing that? by not teaching our kids the importance of knowing about history, by not be concerned about other societies and cultures, by being in a way selfish with the world, because we all are created the same way and we all come to the world  as human beings, as one!, so we do have to care about the importance of all this things and we have to teach the world what really matters.

 having a diversity of languages it's a way of identification; every culture have their diferences, not every culture thinks, eats, sleeps, raises their children, lives and feels the same way, so according to prominent French linguist Claude Hagege as it's said in the article "THE DEATH OF LANGUAGE": "What we lose is essentially an enormous cultural heritage, ... It's also the way they express their humour, their love, their life. It is a testimony of human communities which is extremely precious, because it expresses what other communities than ours in the modern industrialized world are able to express.", language is more than just words and sounds, language is every culture's life,how they express and how they feel identified.

So even though most of the people think that having one language would make us one society, losing every language and having just one for every human being, would mean losing the history, all the cultures in the world, the heritance our ancestors gave us and of course our past, so for me personally, having a cultural diversity is important for the world and destroying it wouldn't make us one, would make us ignorants.


lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

a little something about me! :)


My name is Stephanie Carmona, i'm 18 years old and i'm from Cartagena-Colombia. I'm studying architecture and i really feel passionate about my career, because i feel is the only carrer i feel identified with and i've always wanted to study this and i'm really certain about it. Before i came to this university i was studying english at The University of Memphis, in Tennessee; My time there was the best thing ever happend to me, i learned how to be independent and now i appreciate more everything i have. I stayed there for 8 months, i did level 4 and 5, i could't finish level 6 and 7, but i feel like my english is soo much better, and now i feel really confortable with it, even though sometimes i could be really shy when i'm going to talk. I was going to stay there, but i wasn't sure if i waned to stay there and start over, so i decided to come back and study my career here, so then i can go back older and do my master.  I love english but i most of the times can be really lazy with the reading part, but i "think" i'm good at writing.