miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012


according to the video and everything we have discussed in class, i can say that i suppor the phrase "Your actions speak louder than your words.",  a hundred percent, because i think as the video said communication skills involves more than just what we say, people understand better with non-verbal communication, the way you say something, the way you look at the people your talking to,  the way you express what you are saying, your tone of voice, etc., you can communicate with someone just with eye contact or just with gesters. 

a smile or a your body language can tell more of what you are saying than the words that come out of your mouth. when you are talking to someone you can tell if that persone is happy or sad just looking at the way they talk and how they say it, you can tell when someone is lying just looking at her/his face. 
for example, when you are at a party with your friends and you want to leave, but you don't want to be rude,so you just look at your friends and do that expresion with your eyer that only your friends understand, or when you are exited and happy for something, you cannot stop smiling and even tough you are not telling anyone you are happy people ask why are you so smiley, because just looking at your face and your body language they noticed it. 

so, in conclusion i personally think non-verbal language is the most important part in a conversation, meeting, conference or what ever involved with the speaking part, because a person without non-verbal communication will be boring and not interesting to talk to or to even listen to.